Indore Institute of Law
(Affiliated to D.A.V.V. and Bar Council of India, New Delhi)
Submission guidelines for students
Call for Papers: Udgam Vigyati
“Udgam Vigyati” – The Quarterly Law and Management Journal of Indore Institute of Law, ISSN 2455 – 2488. Udgam Vigyati is a peer-reviewed journal which is purely based on Law and Management domain. It is the Quarterly Journal of Indore Institute of Law with a high impact factor. Kindly submit your full research paper before Jan 25, 2024.
About us:
Indore Institute of Law was established in 2003 with a similar vision, aiming to promote innovation and development in legal education by imparting in-depth knowledge of the law and keeping up with the evolving demands of the legal industry. Over the years, the institute has become one of the most reputed law colleges in India and became the only law institute with NAAC A+ Accreditation with a score of 3.4/4 in its first cycle and got the Autonomous Status in the year 2023.
Manuscripts are invited on the following Topics:
- The tension between equality and other foundational values such as liberty or other ideologies such as neoliberalism or neocolonialism.
- The debates on the aims of equality law, such as debates on redistribution and recognition.
- The role of affirmative action in redressing equality harms.
- The role of proactive powers and duties.
- The role of intersectionality in addressing systemic exploitation and oppression.
- The challenges of achieving equality in specific fields of life such as race, religion, caste, class, and age discrimination (as illustration).
- The informal employment and lack of social protection.
- The International issues related to land, water, and material resources.
- Current issues of family, public life, and gender.
- AI and Technology.
- Globalization, Corporations, Law, and Development.
- International Law, Institutional Governance, and Development.
- Emphasize the role of education in advancing knowledge and technology for sustainable development.
- Showcase initiatives and research contributing to innovative and effective educational practices.
- Data Analytics and Decision-Making.
- Leadership Development.
- Crisis Management.
- Global Supply Chain Management.
- Agile and Adaptive Management.
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
- Innovation Management.
- Employee Well-being and Engagement.
- Digital Transformation.
Submission Guidelines:
- Submissions must be e-mailed to
- Send your file in .doc/.docx format along with a duly signed declaration that the article has not been published and/or is not in the course of being published in any journal, magazine, newspaper, website, etc.
- All submitted papers will be sent to reviewers.
- Selection of papers for publication will depend on the discretion of reviewers.
- Submissions must be accompanied by an abstract of not more than 300 words and a brief bio of the author(s).
- The submission must be formatted according to the following specifications:
- Body: Font Size: 12, Font: Times New Roman; Line Spacing: 1.5 lines
- Footnotes: Font Size: 10; Font: Times New Roman; Line Spacing: Single
- Paper: A-4 Margins: 2.54 cm on all sides
- All footnotes/references in the submission must conform to the Bluebook 21st Edition.
- Co-authorship is permitted to a maximum of two authors.
- Copyright over the published articles shall vest with Udgam Vigyati.
Publication Charges
- Publication charges are Rs. 700/- only.
For further clarifications, Contact us at